# Virtio installation

# Install Bass OS VirtIO builds

On Debian / Ubuntu, installing the package virt-manager would install the GUI manager, and everything that required for libvirt QEMU virtual machine as well as theirs dependencies.

Run the following command to install it:

sudo apt install virt-manager

Also, install packages according to the architecture:

Android Architecture Packages to install
ARM (32-bit + 64-bit) qemu-system-arm qemu-efi-aarch64
ARM (64-bit only) qemu-system-arm qemu-efi-aarch64
x86 (64-bit only) qemu-system-x86 ovmf

# Create and configure virtual machine using virt-manager

This section uses Debian 12 (bookworm) as example. The instructions for other OSes may differ.

Launch virt-manager, by opening "Virtual Machine Manager" from the Application menu, or type it on Terminal.

# Virtual machine creation and common configurations

On the menu bar, select File > New Virtual Machine. A new window named "New VM" will pop up.

# Step 1 - Machine Architecture

Select Manual install. Expand Architecture options, select the correct architecture for the built image, as described below:

Android Architecture QEMU Architecture
ARM (32-bit + 64-bit) aarch64
ARM (64-bit only) aarch64
x86 (64-bit only) x86_64

After selecting the correct architecture, click Forward.

# Step 2 - OS Details

Search and select Generic Linux 2022 on Select the operation system you are installing field. Click Forward.

# Step 3 - CPU & Memory

Specify the number of CPU cores and the size of Memory that you're willing to allocate to the virtual machine. Minimal RAM requirement is 2048 MiB. After filling these, click Forward.

# Step 4 - Storage

Untoggle Enable storage for this virtual machine, because we will setup storage for this virtual machine later. Click Forward.

# Step 5 - Network

Specify the name that you would like to assign to the virtual machine, and select the network which you wish to connect to in Network selection menu, click Forward.

Note: The virtio network service will have to be enabled at boot in order for this interface to work across host machine reboots. To enable the service, run sudo systemctl enable libvirtd.service and sudo systemctl start libvirtd.service.

# Select Chipset or Machine and Firmware

The virtual machine configuration window will pop up.

On Overview tab, select Chipset or Machine and Firmware type according to the architecture, as described below:

Android Architecture Chipset / Machine Firmware
ARM (32-bit + 64-bit) virt (required) Custom: /usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.no-secboot.fd
ARM (64-bit only) virt (required) Custom: /usr/share/AAVMF/AAVMF_CODE.no-secboot.fd
x86 (64-bit only) Q35 (recommended) UEFI x86_64: /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE_4M.fd

Click Apply.

On Memory tab, toggle Enable shared memory, click Apply.

# Create virtual disks

  1. Click Add Hardware on the bottom left corner, new window Add New Virtual Hardware will appear.
  2. Select Storage, select Disk device on Device type menu, and select VirtIO on Bus type menu.
  3. Fill in the disk size. {% include alerts/note.html content="Virtual A/B build (default) requires 13 GiB of size for the first disk, and A-only build requires 5 GiB of size for the first disk." %}
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Repeat the above steps, to add disk for storing userdata. Minimum size of 2 GiB is recommended.

# Attach the installation image

  1. Click Add Hardware on the bottom left corner, new window Add New Virtual Hardware will appear.
  2. Select Storage.
  3. If the installation image is in ISO9660 format, select CDROM device on Device type menu, and select SATA on Bus type menu; Otherwise, select Disk device on Device type menu, and select USB on Bus type menu.
  4. Expand Advanced, toggle Readonly.
  5. Select Select or create custom storage, select the installation image.
  6. Click Finish.


  1. On Boot Options tab, toggle SATA CDROM 1 or USB Disk 1, click Apply.


# Configure virtual machine input

# Tablet or Mouse

If the PC has a touchscreen and you would like to interact with the virtual machine using touchscreen, or if you are controlling from remote desktop, you shall use tablet input device for the virtual machine.

Both EvTouch and VirtIO types of tablet are supported.

Otherwise, use mouse input device.

Both PS/2 and USB types of mouse are supported.

# Keyboard

Keyboard is always needed. Ensure there is a keyboard included in virtual machine hardware.

VirtIO, PS/2 and USB types of keyboard are supported.

# Configure virtual machine graphics

# Video

  1. If Video tab is missing, add it using the Add Hardware button on the bottom left corner.

  2. On Video tab, select Virtio on Model menu, click Apply.

  3. If the PC and the remote desktop application (if you're viewing from it) supports 3D accelerated graphics, Toggle 3D acceleration, click Apply.

  4. (Optional) To specify custom display resolution, switch to XML tab, insert <resolution x="<Width>" y="<Height>"/>, like this:

    <model type="virtio" heads="1" primary="yes">
        <acceleration accel3d="yes"/>
        <resolution x="1920" y="900"/>
    <alias name="video0"/>
    <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x00" slot="0x01" function="0x0"/>

    Some rare host video cards may not display 3D accelerated graphics properly. If that happens, you shall disable it.

# Display

  1. If Display tab is missing, add it using the Add Hardware button on the bottom left corner.
  2. Open Display tab.
  3. Select None on Listen type menu.
  4. If 3D acceleration is enabled on Video tab, toggle OpenGL, and select an active host video card on the menu below of OpenGL toggle.
  5. Click Apply.

# Configure virtual machine sound

Sound card model AC97 (which is the default) is recommended. Other models shall work too, but may have issues.

aarch64 architecture does not have a sound card added by default. You will have to add it manually.

# Install the new virtual machine

Click Begin Installation on the top left corner, installation process will happen, and then the virtual machine will run.

# Install Bass OS to the virtual machine

The virtual machine should boot into the boot manager menu of the installation image.

  1. Select the first option that begins with Install Bass OS using arrow keys, press Enter.
  2. The virtual machine should enter Bass OS Recovery. You could select a option using arrow keys and enter it by pressing Enter.
  3. Select Factory reset >


  1. Select Format data/factory reset >


  1. Select Format data & Confirm.


  1. Tap 'esc' key or back button to go back to the main menu.
  2. Select Apply update >


  1. Select Choose from INSTALL or Choose from ISOIMAGE >


  1. Select lineage-*-{{ ERROR }}-UNOFFICIAL-<target>.zip.


  1. When asked to reboot to recovery now, select 'No'
  2. Congratulations! You now have Bass OS installed in the virtual machine.

You could now select Reboot system now to start using Bass OS.


# Run Bass OS inside the virtual machine

The virtual machine should enter Bass OS boot menu.


If the virtual machine is configured with 3D acceleration enabled, boot Bass OS by selecting the first option.

Otherwise, select Advanced options > Bass OS * (Kernel version *) (Swiftshader graphics).

If done correctly, Bass OS should start to boot up.


When boot is complete, you should be greeted with the onboarding app (Setup Wizard).
